Modelo blusa con lazo de
BurdaStyle 10/2010. En amarillo mostaza. He alargado la manga por eso del fresquillo que ya hace. Esta vez en la talla 38, aunque la cintura me quedaba por la cadera asi que le he tenido que quitar 4 cms de largo. (Las alemanas del burda son solo 4 cms mas altas que yo, veis? A Mallorca solo vienen las grandes, en realidad son pequeñitas pero se quedan en casa haciendo mermelada de cebolla).
Model Wanderlust from BurdaStyle 10/2010. In a mustard yellow fabric. I have lengthened the sleeves to use it in winter. I went for size 38 and looks fine, although the waist mark falls 4cms bellow my true waist. Does this mean german girls are just 4 cms taller than me? Don't think so... And thanks to Burdastyle member catchannette for sharing her shirt with us.
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